







MSE计划政策. (进行中)

Student presents poster on biomechanical research at conference

使命宣言: To prepare graduate students to become accomplished professionals; to contribute to our professions through active scholarship in all its forms; and to support society with expertise, 领导, 和服务

问题可直接向 研究生项目主任 工程.


美国就业市场目前雇佣了1名员工.600万工程师. On average, engineering jobs have been growing at a 7% rate in recent years. The median salary for engineers with master’s degrees is 15 - 20% higher than engineers with bachelor’s degrees alone. Besides the dramatic increase in earning potential over a career, engineers with master’s degrees have greater opportunities for career advancement.

The 工程理学硕士(MSE) degree at GVSU produces engineers with a practical, 亲自动手的, graduate education rooted in a strong theoretical foundation that our industry partners depend on to meet their evolving needs.

Our graduate program is flexible and designed to deepen student's expertise -- offering opportunities for both, 学生寻求更传统的, 全职研究经验, 职业人士选择兼职参加. 

The MSE program prepares students to become technical leaders in their profession as well as strong candidates for doctoral programs. Our graduates go on to work with multinational companies like GE, Stryker, 和福特, as well as smaller local companies like Dornerworks and Twisthink. A growing number of our graduates are also pursuing PhDs at prestigious universities like Penn State, 西北大学, 和密歇根大学.


The MSE requires a minimum of 33 credit hours of graduate coursework including emphasis-specific courses, 选修课, 这是一次高潮体验. Full-time students (9 graduate credits) typically complete their graduate coursework in 4 semesters. 

Each student works with the GPD to plan a course of study tailored to their needs. 对于非工程本科学位的学生, this course plan will include undergraduate prerequisite courses to fill in any knowledge gaps.

Most of our classes are offered in the evening providing convenient scheduling for working professionals.

MSE students can choose to specialize in the following areas:

  1. 生物医学工程(BME)
  2. 电气与计算机工程(ECE)
  3. 制造与设计工程(MDE)
  4. 机械工程(ME)




位于大急流城市中心充满活力的中心, our MSE program was established in 1998 to meet the increasing demand for engineering talent in West 密歇根, 发展最快的技术之一, 制造业, 以及州内的工业区.


Applicants to the MSE program must have a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering, 工程技术, 或者是一个紧密相关的领域,比如物理学, 数学, 生物医学等. Applicants must have a cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0对4.0规模. 申请者必须提交一篇论文, 三封推荐信, 他们的官方成绩单, 还有简历.

International applicants must also submit satisfactory GRE scores (≥300 for verbal+quant, ≥ 2.5 in writing) and show evidence of proficiency in English via TOEFL (≥ 80), IELTS (≥ 6.5),多邻国(≥110),或ME Lab. 更多博天堂官方网页国际申请者的信息可以在这里找到 在这里.

GVSU is one of the very few universities to offer any funding at the Master's level via Graduate Assistantships (full or half).  All funding decisions are made separate from the admissions decision and t在这里 is no separate application that needs to be filled out for funding consideration. Funding decisions are made on a merit basis by the committee after it has reviewed all the admitted students. GAs help support the teaching mission of our program by working in the labs, 支持第一年的工程序列, 帮助我们的推广工作.








*EGR 600 Adv Engineering Analysis OR EGR 670 Sys Physiology for Engineers (3 cr)

*EGR 604实施和测量(3 cr)

*EGR 6xx/5xx重点领域课程(3或4学时)

*EGR 602道德与专业(3 cr)

*EGR 6xx/5xx重点领域课程(3或4学时)

*EGR 6xx/5xx重点领域课程(3或4学时)


*EGR 6xx重点领域课程(3学分)

*EGR 6xx重点/选修领域课程(3学分)

*EGR 695/693硕士论文/项目(可变1 - 6学分)

*EGR 695/693硕士论文/项目(可变1 - 6学分)


*EGR 686 Capstone设计项目(3学分)

  • 学生的累积平均绩点必须保持在3分.每学期0分或更高. 
  • No more than three EGR 5xx classes may be applied towards the MSE degree.
  • Students may choose to complete EGR 685 Graduate Practicum (3 cr) in the summer.
  • Three options for culminating experience are EGR 693 Master's Project (6 cr), 硕士论文(6学分), 或EGR 686顶点设计项目(3学分).
  • EGR 600 and 604 are not required for Combined students or graduates of our BSE program. 






The combined degree program offer students the opportunity to complete both an undergraduate and graduate degree, 满足他们独特的个性, 学术, 职业目标. Pursuing a combined degree program can reduce the cost and total time required to complete both degrees, since up to 12 credits taken at the bachelor's level and price can be counted towards the master's degree.

Only current GVSU engineering students are eligible to apply for the BSE/MSE组合程序.


GVSU相关专业在读学生,如BMS, 物理, 和数学可以探索结合学士/MSE学位通过 学生联合学位课程.


The MSE program can be completed in three semesters/one 学术 year via a 12/12/9 course credit format to complete the necessary 33 credits. Earlier degree completion allows students to start earning earlier and recoup their program costs faster.



Applicants who have a Bachelor's degree and are not enrolled in the MSE program can take graduate engineering classes at GVSU as a non-degree seeking student. A maximum of 12 credits hours taken as non-degree may be applied to a future MSE degree.




数字徽章, 或徽章, is a record of achievement that recognizes a student's completion of a co在这里nt and meaningful 学术 experience.



An 8-credit badge designing electronic products that can be successfully tested for EMC compliance.


An 8-credit badge that integrates hardware and software to design microcontroller-based applications

Admissions to complete a digital badge is open to both degree and non-degree seeking domestic students, 以及寻求学位的国际学生. If you are not currently a GVSU student, start your application 在这里.

